While we're taking a break from our regular podcast, we thought we'd introduce you to some of the other food bloggers who have recently added their unique points of view to the local food community. We'll be talking with three of these bloggers in these special episodes, each featuring a chat with someone we've come to know within the past year.

We'll have another episode in this special "Behind the Blog" series in a couple weeks, as well as some other special material here on our website. For continuing updates on everything we're doing, be sure to follow us on Twitter and on Facebook. We'd also love to hear from you directly: write a comment on the blog, leave a message on our voicemail line 607-216-8624 (607-21-MUNCH), or send an email with your thoughts to: feedback [at] eatingithaca [dot] com.
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Links for this episode:
- Eggs On Sunday
- Follow Eggs On Sunday on Twitter
- Amy's Apple "Cup Pies" recipe
- World Peace Cookies
- Pumpkin Scones
Amy's Cookbook Recommendations:
- The Art of Simple Food
by Alice Waters - Baking: From My Home to Yours
by Dorie Greenspan - The Victory Garden Cookbook
by Marian Morash - Ratio
by Michael Ruhlman
Amy's Cooking Blog Recommendations:
Thanks for a good blog recommendation. One problem: these are not "Amy's" World Peace Cookies -- they are Dorie Greenspan's cookies. I was glad to see the blogger properly attributed the recipe -- but so should you! Dorie Greenspan is known for her generosity with her recipes and tips -- but she deserves that respect of attribution.
Thanks for the comment, Michele. We've clarified the post to avoid any confusion. We are also big fans of Dorie Greenspan's books and blog, but World Peace Cookies aren't actually her recipe either. They were published in her cookbook, but Dorie attributes the recipe to Pierre Herme, who created them for the Korova restaurant in 2000, hence their original name Korova Cookies.
It just goes to show why they say recipes can't be copyrighted, as each person brings their own little touch to make it their own. We included links to these recipes on Amy's blog because these were the cookies (and scones) she had made for us to enjoy during our chat, and when she posts a recipe she also shares what those recipes mean to her.
Thanks for the comment, and for getting in touch. We hope you enjoy listening to the podcast!
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