We're also checking in on the bounty of new fruits and summer vegetables that are appearing at the Ithaca Farmers' Market, and our latest restaurant review takes a look at one of the more unique pizza options in town at Italian Carry Out. Plus we have updates on breaking restaurant gossip and news of local foodie events on the way.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter for continuing updates throughout the week, and stay in touch: you can write a comment on the blog, leave a message on our voicemail line 607-215-4392, or send an email with your thoughts to: feedback [at] eatingithaca [dot] com. Thanks for listening!
Click Play to Listen to Episode 39
Stuff we talked about in this episode:
- Finger Lakes Distilling official website
- Finger Lakes Distilling official blog
- Finger Lakes Distilling on Facebook
- Finger Lakes Distilling profile in
Edible Finger Lakes Magazine (Spring 2009) - Listen to our podcast & learn how to win this Finger Lakes Distilling hat!
- Try FLD cocktails at Felicia's Atomic Lounge
- @Ithaca Farmers Market: Eve's Cidery
- @Ithaca Farmers Market: Mandeville Farm
- Italian Carry Out at Campusfood.com
- Ithaca Journal article on closing of Lost Dog Cafe
- Lost Dog Cafe official website
- Madeline's Restaurant official website
- Ithaca Artists Market on July 31st
- Tompkins County Farm Trail Weekend Aug. 1st - 2nd [PDF brochure]
- FLCB 4th Annual Gourmet Harvest Dinner At Geneva On The Lake Aug. 6th
- Ithaca Brewfest is coming September 5th
Geographical Faceoff: South Hill
I gather that the unique style of Italian Take Out pizza would make you prefer it over the nearby Big Al version. But I bet that you might like Big Al's meatball sub better (at least I did)!
(Inveterate Meatball Sub-Tryer)
You tweeted:
Five Guys Burgers & Fries hopes to open in Ithaca by Sept. 20th! Location not yet confirmed, but they're hiring:
Thanks for the date information! Aren't they locating in the Ithaca Shopping Plaza (Meadow St. and Elmira Road), on the end next to Meadow St.? There's quite a bit of construction going on there that I was surmising was FGB&F.
Here's an article that mentions "222 Elmira Road". I think this is the same location.
Hi D.E. -
Re: 5 Guys location, we saw the same article you link to, but we've learned not to be too definitive until all the evidence is clear. However, we're also keeping our eyes on that Ithaca Shopping Plaza location, and we're looking forward the franchise adding a unique new dimension to the Ithaca burger scene!
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