And when you're done listening to this episode, be sure to visit to hear the other half of the show as Dave & Andrea of Eating Ithaca become the guests on the Chowcast podcast and enthusiastically embrace their explicit language format. It's not to be missed!
If you enjoy our podcast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment on the blog, call our voicemail line anytime at 607-215-4392, or send an email to: feedback at eatingithaca dot com. Remember to follow us on Twitter for continuing updates throughout the week!
Click Play to Listen to Episode 35
Stuff we talked about in this episode:
- The Chowcast Podcast
- Subscribe to Chowcast in iTunes
- Chowcast eats Hot Truck in March 2008
- The Hot Truck at Serious Eats
- Hot Truck info and menu via
- The Hot Truck on Wikipedia
- Obituary for Hot Truck founder Bob Petrillose at
- Shortstop Deli version of Hot Truck via
- Ithaca Taste of the Nation
this is hilarious. wish i was in ithaca, now!
LOL.. had a great time reading your articles.. keep posting.. :)
@crane trucks--sweet!!! Do you get to drive those suckers?!!(or is it just a super-awesome fake link?)
@Eating Ithaca----hey guys! Loved listening to the shows---brought back great memories to my mind, and much drool to my mouth. I also dug the way we were chewing "in stereo" with your superior equipment, Dave. Hope all is well---Sousie says "Hi!"
The Chef
BTW, did you ever visit the Corners Deli? I had a pretty good chicken salad sandwich from them yesterday.
I see it's in your list, but I don't remember you reviewing it. They appear to specialize in Middle Eastern food, so it would be interesting to contrast with the other restaurants of that type you've been to.
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