The results are in and we've got all our favorite local gift ideas that foodies love to give and receive this holiday season, along with some winning ideas from our listeners.
If you want to get in touch or be part of a future episode, you may leave a comment on the blog, call our voicemail line anytime at 607-215-4392, or send an email to: feedback [at] eatingithaca [dot] com. Remember to check out our Flickr page for photos (, and follow us on Twitter ( for continuing updates throughout the week. If you like what we're doing, be sure to share the love and tell a friend about us!
Listen to Episode 23
Stuff we talked about in this episode:
- Ithaca Farmer's Market
- Waid's Honey & Candles
- Finger Lakes Maple Products
- Cornell Orchards
- Finger Lakes Popcorn
- Bellwether Hard Cider
- Eve's Cidery
- Cherry Knoll Farm Blueberry Wines & Vinegar
- Buy Garden Gate Delivery Gift Certificates
- Ithaca Local Lover Challenge
- Shop online and contribute to Share Our Strength
- Buy Moosewood Restaurant merchandise
- Buy the Simply Red Cookbook by Chef Sam "Mama Red" Izzo
- Buy and send Gimme Coffee
- Buy and send Art Bars chocolate
- Ithaca Coffee Company Gift Baskets
- Bet The Farm Wines and Gifts (Aurora, NY)
- Gift Ideas from 14850 Dining
- Edible Finger Lakes Magazine
- Four Seasons Restaurant on
- Triphammer Wines & Spirits “Evening to Remember” Holiday Gala
- Ithaca Beer Company 10th Anniversary Celebration
- Cayuga Wine Trail holiday shopping event
- Join us at Felicia's Atomic Lounge on December 16th!
- Enjoy the "Swiss Colony Beef Log" song? Buy the South Park Christmas album "Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics"
download from iTunes Store
buy on CD
Hmm, visiting a Korean restaurant and avoiding anything spicy? Perhaps you ought to revisit "Four Seasons" at some point, along with perhaps retrying other restaurants where you might have missed something good ;-)
Wow, just discovered you via Cooking in the 'Cuse. Hurrah. I eat in Ithaca on and off when I am down there. My blogis Cooking with Ideas at -- wanna exchange blog links? I am putting a link up to your site and would be really happy if you could send some traffic my way. Or do a guest blog for my site?
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