Monday, September 22, 2008

Ep. 18 - Garden Gate Delivery, Dijon, Domino's, and Donuts

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We're very excited to bring you our conversation Marlo Capoccia, the founder and driving force behind Garden Gate Delivery, and one of Ithaca's brightest new champions of local, sustainable foods. She's taken a simple idea and turned it into a new way of connecting regional foods with homes and restaurants throughout Tompkins County, becoming a role model for other like-minded entrepreneurs in the process.

We also have come to the end of the "D" section of our visits to every restaurant in Ithaca from A-Z, and we have reviews for you of Dijon Bistro, Domino's Pizza, and Dunkin' Donuts. You can see photos all the food we discussed and more at our Flickr page

You can follow us on Twitter for continuing updates throughout the week, and be sure to share the show with your friends. If you want to get in touch, you may leave a comment on the blog, call our voicemail line anytime at 607-215-4392, or send an email to: feedback at eatingithaca dot com. We look forward to hearing from you.

Listen to Episode 18

Stuff we talked about in this episode:

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