Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ep. 50: Ten Things Part Five!

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Every ten episodes we're talking about ten different things and we've got quite a lineup for you in our 50th podcast!

We devote most of this episode to Andrea's 5 tools for shopping and cooking at home, lessons she's learned over the past few years that can help you eat healthier and save you money when you shop. She's passionate about this and you're sure to learn something from our lively discussion.

You'll also hear what's new in local dining, updates on past guests of the show, how local USDA regulations are affecting small farms, ideas and resources for gardening in our community, plus feedback and ideas from our listeners. It's an episode packed with goodness!

If you are a fan of what we're doing here and would like to help us continue covering the Ithaca dining scene and bringing you conversations with people in our regional food community, please consider making a donation by clicking on the DONATE button on our main page. And any time you want to get in touch or be part of a future episode, you may leave a comment on the blog, call our voicemail line anytime at 607-216-8624, or send an email to: feedback at eatingithaca dot com. Remember you can follow us on Twitter and on Facebook for continuing updates throughout the week!

Click Play to Listen to Episode 50

Stuff we talked about in this episode:

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