We're so grateful for everyone who came out to
Felicia's last night to be part of our first ever live podcast recording, and we hope you all had as much fun as we did! You can click on the image below from our friend
Mark Anbinder to see a collection of his photos from the night, and we encourage you to
add your own photos to our Flickr group if you like!

Not only did we record a fun show, but thanks to audience contributions and the $1 from every drink sold by Felicia's during the event, we managed to raise $130 in cash for
Friendship Donations Network, who is in desperate need of every dollar they can get. In this time of tight budgets for everyone, we're grateful to everyone who gave even just a dollar to this cause, and if you'd like to contribute more we encourage you to visit the FDN website to make an online donation today:
http://friendshipdonations.org/donateA BIG THANK YOU! to
Dave Yantorno and his band for the great tunes, to
Amelia & Leah of Felicia's for hosting us and being a guest, to
Chef Seth Gregory of Fine Line Bistro for talking with us, and to
Erika Fowler-Decatur and Art Bars for donating one of our special audience giveaway prizes. We'll be posting a special video and other images from the night as soon as they are available, and we're thinking we might even post the full
25th Episode Special sooner than planned, so keep an eye on this website and keep updating your podcast queue. Good stuff is on the way!
Wish I could have been there!
Thanks My friend Byron and I had a great time. The cookies were delicious!
Mark from Ithaca
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