We've been hard at work developing this website into a sleek and user-friendly bookmark for all Ithaca Eaters, and now we've added three new features that we hope you'll enjoy.
You'll now notice our Contact information is listed on the right-hand toolbar, which includes our exciting new voicemail line! Yeah, it's not a local Ithaca number, but you get free long distance with that fancy cell phone plan, don't you? Give us a call, share your thoughts about eating in Ithaca, let us know what you think about the podcast, and if we like it we may include it in our next show.
We also added links to our Alphabetical Master List of Ithaca Restaurants for you to follow along as we eat our way through the entire list from A-Z. Plus, we've added a Google Map which will have the details for each restaurant as we visit.
The list is available in two different flavors: a tasty web page to view in your browser, or download the whole thing as a PDF and print it out. Either way, the latest revised version of this list will always be available, and if you find a restaurant on our list that is closed or has the wrong information, let us know!
We hope you find these tools useful, and look forward to hearing from you. Happy Eating!
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